Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Floral Freak

As you can tell, pretty much all of my pics are flowers. I love photographing them... I don't know why, but I just think they're gorgeous. The textures and colors of the different flowers are just amazing. I am most definitely a flower freak. ;D

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Precious Petals

As you can see, I love taking pictures of flowers. I don't know why, but I have a fascination with them. I love capturing their beauty that you see in person, and putting it into a picture that you can see anywhere. I hope you like it. P.S. I edit all of my photos... this one is edited... but before it looked really washed out so I got to look like what it actually looks like in person. Thanks ;D

Friday, September 30, 2011

Beauty of the Sun

Here's a pretty yellow flower to help brighten your day!! Or, make you blink fifty times because its so bright and yellow and crazy. If its the second one, sorry. If its the first... than YAY! ;D

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Bird of a Feather

I took a picture of this while I was at a restaurant. It was really beautiful so I decided to post it. ;D

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Miss Piggy: The Ancient Kitty

Miss Piggy is my aunt and uncle's cat. She is a lively, happy 18 year old cat. I caught a picture of here when she was posing on the walkway. She looks like she's about to say "Why is this chick holding that thing in my face?"

Monday, September 26, 2011

Humor Is My Specialty

I love photography. My first camera was an old Canon AE-1 that my dad found in a box of his stuff. Although it was not fully MY camera, I considered it to be in my "ownership", you could say. I love that camera...a lot. Even though it's no Canon 7D, it is still a classic camera. Now, I have a Canon Rebel XS, an amateur camera. But, hey, its still a camera! Long story short, I love photography and will continue to learn more and more about it for the years to come. 
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Eleanor Roosevelt
Now, I love this quote and all, but this blog isn't just going to consist of deep quotes and meaningfulness, there's going to be funny and witty stuff on here.... I'm not going to bore you with pictures of grass and quotes that have nothing to do with them. I plan on making you smile and thinking "Hey, I like that." or "Wow, that's a cool quote." or even "Hey.... How does that llama DO that?" It might sound weird, but normal is not in my vocabulary. Normal is overrated in my opinion. So, thanks for reading, and I hope you didn't just fall out of your seat in boredom. ;D
This is probably one of my favorite pictures that I've taken so far... I don't know why, but its interesting. I just really like it. <3